Monday, February 28, 2022



I'm honestly baffled how some people even managed to get to their current rank or even get ONE win playing the way they do: greedy, selfish, no passing, making stupid mistakes over and over, giving up at the first sight of difficulties, etc...

So many instances, in game, where I say aloud, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and then shake my head.

Either players are so clueless or that self-centered because they rather take a bad shot and get blocked than pass to a wide open teammate. For example, so many times where I play PG and I'm standing there WIDE OPEN because my defender left to double the SG on my team and he/she still refuses to pass the ball for easy points. I don't get it... what goes through their head?

However, when it's the RIGHT time to shoot they waste it by spamming drive/action dribble! If they take half a second to analyze the situation, they can get the points they coveted. Some habits need to be broken. 

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

  • So that means if you got blocked 2-3 times already trying to do a layup... why do you keep doing it??
  • If you keep going for a rebound as a SG, never getting it, and leaving your man open for a shot... why do you keep doing it??
  • Whenever a shot goes up and you run to get in position to shoot the ball because you automatically assume your rebounder will get it back but he hasn't been able to get a single rebound the entire game and all you're doing is giving the other team easy points because you're not there to defend... why do you keep doing it?
I understand some games are unwinnable but I will NOT accept losing because of stupid mistakes and tendencies. I have lost so many games where we should have won due to people not adapting and recognizing simple things which they're doing wrong. 

Friday, February 25, 2022


My "wish list" for the 3v3 Basketball games are up. These are opinions, based on my experience playing the games, that I think will improve the overall experience of the current 3v3 basketball model. I'll probably add to the wish list the more I play/observe the game.

Another wish, I didn't list on the page, that I would like to mention on this post is... I want KUKGI back! 😆 That "unique" mechanic created so much fun gameplay for the game... It's literally another form of offense so people would have to rely less on action dribbles. I know only old school FSB players would understand what Kukgi is or what I'm talking about. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

basics are up!

The basics guide for the 3v3 Basketball Mobile Games is up. I feel like it's still missing a few things so I'll add to the guide when they come to me.

I'll most likely do guides for a rebounder (my main position) and Point Guard in the future so be on the lookout for those. Once again, they'll contain what I think are "basics" for each position but I know it'll help people.

I also want to post a "Wish List" for the overall design of the 3v3 Basketball games. From FSB all the way to Basketrio, these games have some flaws that I want to address and make recommendations (wish) for improvements. This will just be my thoughts and opinions.

Here's my lowly level 31 Center with basic gear. Still getting beat often by higher level rebounders 😂. This is my first season on Basketrio:3v3 Basketball Arena (hopefully more to come). 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

coming soon...


Since I started playing some FSB clones such as "Basketrio:3v3 Basketball Arena" and "Streetball Allstar" on my phone, the amount of bad games I have suffered through is ASTRONOMICAL! 
Therefore I decided to re-create my guides for these mobile games with the hope that it will improve the overall experience for EVERYONE. I simply want the matches to be tolerable... where people at least know what they're doing.

The majority of my guides will be for Basketrio because I prefer that game over Streetball Allstar. However, you can apply a lot of the basics throughout both games.

This is a work in progress so it'll take some time before I'm finished... so please check back periodically for updates.